Disclosure Policy

We've joined the Amazon.com affiliate program, which means that some of our recipes"Convivial Conversation" essays, or other website copy may contain links to products we use and recommend, products that we don't sell on our website, but that you can buy on Amazon.com by following the link we provide to you.

If you make a purchase on Amazon.com using the links I provide, I may earn a commission.

Any essays that contain an affiliate link will be identified at the top of the page, and noted again next to the link itself.

I write essays and work with Donald to develop or adapt recipes because I like to share what I know, do, and use, and that will always be the genesis of my work and motivator for my words.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at Liz@American OliveFarmer.com, at PO Box 675 Corning, CA 96021, or by phone 530-727-2004.